Opportunities to advocate in light of the Fox fire

The fire at Fox Elementary on the night of Friday, February 11 has sent massive ripple effects throughout RPS. Thankfully no one was hurt, but the school was rendered unusable and the Fox community is devastated. They are in virtual learning until a longer-term temporary solution is found.

What the Fox fire has once again highlighted is the aging infrastructure of so many RPS schools, which has been exacerbated due to decades of disinvestment and deferred maintenance.

But these problems are not unique to Richmond - it is our belief that the state of Virginia has been underfunding schools for a long time. Here's are two immediate opportunities to support funding at a state level:

First, Support SB 472

Charlottesville United for for Public Education (another Parent Advocacy group based in Charlottesville) has an amazing Toolkit on WHY and HOW to advocate on this.

Note: This is an IMMEDIATE need - as in it's being heard at 7:30 tomorrow (Friday, Feb 25, 2022) morning. Two ways to help:
1. Sign up to provide (virtual) public comment
2. Send emails & make phone calls to committee members, specifically Del. Roxann Robinson & Delegate Chris Runion.

Del. Roxann Robinson

(804) 698-1027


Del. Chris Runion

(804) 698-1025


Second, Attend the
Fund Safe Schools March 

This Saturday, February 26, some amazing Richmond moms & advocates are organizing a march from Fox Elementary (2300 Hanover Avenue) to Monroe Park to raise awareness of the lack of state level funding for safe school buildings and to demand that the state start funding school facilities more thoroughly.


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BOARD WATCH: 1.31.2022