Take Action on RCMS!

Interested in making your voice heard on RCMS but not sure where to start? We’ve got you covered.

General Parent/Community Member verison. 

TO: edoerr@rvaschools.net, mwhite4@rvaschools.net, kgibson@rvaschools.net, jyoung7@rvaschools.net, srizzi@rvaschools.net, smuhamme@rvaschools.net, cburke2@rvaschools.net, dpage2@rvaschools.net, njones6@rvaschools.net 

CC: jkamras@rvaschools.net, jnocera@timesdispatch.com, mediaron@aol.com, henry.graff@nbc12.com, mhipolit@wtvr.com, mpauly@vpm.org

Dear School Board, 

My name is NAME, and I live in the NUMBER District. [My kids are enrolled at SCHOOL].

I am writing to encourage you to revisit and pass the proposed rezoning plan for River City Middle School at your May 2nd meeting. I believe all students have the right to a safe education, and what is being provided at RCMS doesn’t fit that bill. 

Given RPS’s commitment to equity, as well as our city’s decadeslong reckoning with our racial legacy, I hope that you see that your current decision goes against our collective values. Our actions speak louder than our words, and our kids are watching. 

RCMS Parent Version 

TO: edoerr@rvaschools.net, mwhite4@rvaschools.net, kgibson@rvaschools.net, jyoung7@rvaschools.net, srizzi@rvaschools.net, smuhamme@rvaschools.net, cburke2@rvaschools.net, dpage2@rvaschools.net, njones6@rvaschools.net 

CC: jkamras@rvaschools.net, jnocera@timesdispatch.com, mediaron@aol.com, henry.graff@nbc12.com, mhipolit@wtvr.com, mpauly@vpm.org

Dear School Board, 

My name is NAME, and I am a RCMS parent. My child, NAME, is in the NUMBER Grade. 

In the wake of your vote, our school community is hurting this week. We were excited about the new building, but the number of students in the building is completely unsafe, and learning isn’t happening. We felt heard and engaged through the rezoning process, and I supported the proposed plan. 

Now that you voted the proposal down last Monday, I feel disappointed in our leadership. Please reverse your decision, and compromise on a path forward for our kids. Their safety and education is at risk because of you and your choices. 

Binford et. al Parent Version

TO: edoerr@rvaschools.net, mwhite4@rvaschools.net, kgibson@rvaschools.net, jyoung7@rvaschools.net, srizzi@rvaschools.net, smuhamme@rvaschools.net, cburke2@rvaschools.net, dpage2@rvaschools.net, njones6@rvaschools.net 

CC: jkamras@rvaschools.net, jnocera@timesdispatch.com, mediaron@aol.com, henry.graff@nbc12.com, mhipolit@wtvr.com, mpauly@vpm.org

Dear School Board, 

My name is NAME, and I’m a SCHOOL parent. My child NAME is in NUMBER grade.

I was extremely disappointed to see your shortsighted vote on rezoning last week. As a parent and community member, I believe we need to consider the needs of all kids in the Richmond community. I supported the Administration's plan because it helped my neighbor. I’d like you to do the same.

Please vote to reverse this short-sighted and inequitable decision ASAP. 


Rep Doerr’s Comments on RCMS Rezoning


KFRPS Town Hall Talking Points